Events - Falmouth Democratic Town Committee - Page 3 Events - Falmouth Democratic Town Committee - Page 3

Phone Bank

FDTC Campaign HQ 704B Main Street, Falmouth, MA, United States

PHONE BANK: In-person or virtual options on Tuesdays and Thursday evenings, from home or at FDTC HQ* Contact:JudithZiss  or KathrynOsgood


FDTC Campaign HQ 704B Main Street, Falmouth, MA, United States

Wed. Oct. 12th, 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM FDTC Headquarters, 704b Main St. Falmouth This will be an in-person, working meeting to learn about volunteer campaign opportunities. roll up our sleeves and pitch in! Masks suggested.

Meet & Greet with Kathleen Fox Alfano, Candidate State Rep. 3rd Barnstable

FDTC Campaign HQ 704B Main Street, Falmouth, MA, United States

The Falmouth Dems are hosting a meet and greet with Kathleen Fox Alfano, candidate for 3rd Barnstable State Representative, at the Falmouth Democratic Town Committee Campaign Headquarters, 704B Main Street , Falmouth on Sunday Oct 16  3 -

Phone Bank

FDTC Campaign HQ 704B Main Street, Falmouth, MA, United States

PHONE BANK: In-person or virtual options on Tuesdays and Thursday evenings, from home or at FDTC HQ* Contact:JudithZiss  or KathrynOsgood

Visibility Standout

Stop&Shop Corner and Hospital Lights Falmouth

SIGN HOLDING/VISIBILITY Holding signs encourages voting and shows our strong support for our candidates. Please join the FDTC sign crew at these high-visibility Falmouth locations: Stop & Shop corner and Falmouth Hospital Lights  

Visibility Standout

Stop&Shop Corner and Hospital Lights Falmouth

SIGN HOLDING/VISIBILITY Holding signs encourages voting and shows our strong support for our candidates. Please join the FDTC sign crew at these high-visibility Falmouth locations: Stop & Shop corner and Falmouth Hospital Lights

Falmouth Coordinated Campaign GOTV Door Hanging

FDTC Campaign HQ 704B Main Street, Falmouth, MA, United States

On Saturday, Sunday, and Monday we will be dropping literature i.e. door hanging to remind voters to Get Out and Vote. Meet up at 704B Main Street the Falmouth Dems Campaign Headquarters on the following days between the hours: Saturday 10am

Falmouth Coordinated Campaign GOTV Door Hanging

FDTC Campaign HQ 704B Main Street, Falmouth, MA, United States

On Saturday, Sunday, and Monday we will be dropping literature i.e. door hanging to remind voters to Get Out and Vote. Meet up at 704B Main Street the Falmouth Dems Campaign Headquarters on the following days between the hours: Saturday 10am