Election Day Standout at the Polls
2 hour shifts between 7am to 7pm
2 hour shifts between 7am to 7pm
The Falmouth Democratic Town Committee (FDTC) invites you to join a talk and Q&A with Alex Bausch, an organizer with the Mass Democratic Party, at its General Meeting on Wednesday, January 18, 2023 from 7:00 pm-8:30 pm
The Falmouth Democratic Town Committee (FDTC) invites you to attend a panel discussion on "What Do Millenials & GenZs Want from Politics" with Jacob Swenson, Cathy Gallagher, and Jack Richardson. FDTC's own millennial, Zelda MacGregor, will
Virtual joint meeting of UCDC (Bourne, Falmouth, Mashpee, and Sandwich DTC) with Gus Bickford, Chair Mass Dems, and Mass Dems State Committee Candidates for Tuesday, March 14, 7pm.
Rick Otis, President of the Citizens for the Protection of Waquoit Bay, is our featured speaker at the FDTC May 17 monthly meeting. He will speak on the Massachusetts Department of Environment's proposed solutions to restore
The Falmouth Democratic Town Committee cordially invites you to our Summer Evening Social: Thursday, June 8th, 5:00 pm to 7:00pm At the Main Street Gallery 189 Main Street, Falmouth Have a fun evening with wine, tasty
Registered Democrats in Falmouth will be holding a virtual caucus on Tuesday, June 13 from 7PM to 9PM to elect delegates and alternates to the 2023 Massachusetts Democratic Party State Convention and the Plymouth & Barnstable
The Plymouth & Barnstable Senate District Conference will be held on Tuesday, July 11th at the Bourne Veterans Community Center at 239 Main Street in Bourne. Doors will open at 6:30 and the conference will begin
The Falmouth Democratic Town Committee (FDTC) will host its “Fall Fling and 2024 Campaign Kick-off” at the Cape Cod Winery, 4 Oxbow Road, East Falmouth, on September 14 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Join in a
The Massachusetts Democratic Party State Convention will held on Saturday, September 23 at the Tsongas Center in Lowell.
Coming up our in-person Holiday Potluck is scheduled for December 7th, 5:30PM at the Gus Canty. RSVP Here and tell us what you want to bring. Hope you can join us.