—Approved by the members on May 27, 2020
Article I —Name
This organization shall be known as the “Falmouth Democratic Town Committee,” herein after called the FDTC.
Article II — Purposes
The FDTC is organized and constituted under authority of and in accordance with the provisions of the General Laws of the Commonwealth, and shall have as its purposes the following: to foster and advance the ideals and aims of the Democratic Party; to work and organize for the success of the Democratic candidates of the District, State and Nation; and to do all things necessary and incidental to the building and strengthening of the Democratic Party.
Article III— Members
A. The FDTC Members shall consist of Elected Members, Lifetime Members, State Committee Members, Elected Officials, and Associate Members, as defined below.
1. The Elected Members are the thirty five (35) registered Democrats in Falmouth who shall have been elected at the Presidential Primary. Elected Members shall serve for a period of approximately four (4) years with terms beginning at the organizational meeting following their election and ending at the next organizational meeting.
2. Lifetime Members are registered Democrats in Falmouth who have served as Elected Members for a period of twenty (20) consecutive years in Falmouth.
3. State Committee Members are current Democratic Party State Committee Members living in Falmouth and Elected Officials are office holders elected as Democrats in the state, county, or municipal government living in Falmouth.
4. Lifetime Members, State Committee Members, and Elected Officials shall have all the privileges and obligations of Elected Members without regard to whether they are specifically mentioned in an article, section, or subsection that gives “Elected Members” certain privileges or obligations.
5. Associate Members are Falmouth residents who completed an application for membership as Associate Members of the FDTC, are certified as registered Democrats in Falmouth, and have paid Associate Membership dues at the time of application and continue to pay annual Associate Membership dues. The Chairperson or Treasurer may waive the requirement to pay dues upon request.
6. Elected Members, Lifetime Members, State Committee Members, and Elected Officials shall have the right to vote. Except in connection with changing these By-Laws under Article XIV, Associate Members shall have the right to vote at the discretion of the Chairperson or upon motion of an Elected Member, passed by a majority vote of Elected Members, a quorum being present.
B. Elected Members who no longer reside in Falmouth during their terms of office shall cease to be members of the FDTC. Elected members who publicly support other than the Democratic party Nominee may be removed in conformity with the Charter of the Democratic Party of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
C. When an Elected Member has served as such for 20 or more consecutive years said Member’s elected position on the FDTC shall be vacated at the expiration of the term. The Elected Member then becomes a Lifetime Member.
D. If the number of Elected Members is fewer than thirty-five (35) after any Presidential Primary or if at any time the number of Elected Members falls below thirty-five (35), whether due to a change in address, death, resignation, or removal, the vacancies may be filled by a vote at a Regular Meeting of the FDTC. Associate Members shall be the candidates first considered for filling any vacancies.
Article IV—Officers
A. The Officers of the FDTC shall be the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, Affirmative Action/Outreach Advisor and six (6) At-Large Members of the Executive Committee. Only Elected Members, Lifetime Members, State Committee Members, and Elected Officials are eligible to serve as Officers.
B. There shall be an Executive Committee consisting of the Officers of the FDTC. Any past Chairpersons who are either Lifetime Members or Elected Members and any State Committee Members or Elected Officials are deemed to be members of the Executive Committee for any meetings that they attend.
C. The FDTC following the election of its Elected Members shall conduct an organizational meeting to choose the above named Officers and may also elect additional Elected Members so long as the total number of Elected Members does not exceed thirty-five (35). In the event of a vacancy of any of the above named Officers, their places shall be filled by vote at a Regular Meeting of the FDTC.
Article V—Chairperson
The Chairperson shall, in addition to the duties required by law, preside at all meetings of the FDTC and shall have general charge and supervision of all FDTC activities. The Chairperson shall have the authority to establish standing committees, ad hoc committees, and nominating committees as may from time to time be deemed desirable to further the purposes of the FDTC. Members of such committees and the chairs thereof shall be appointed by the Chairperson. The Chairperson shall have the power to call all Regular Meetings and Special Meetings of the FDTC at such time or times as may seem to be advisable.
Article VI—Vice Chairperson
The Vice Chairperson shall preside at all meetings of the FDTC in the absence of the Chairperson. The Vice Chairperson shall perform all duties and have the powers of the Chairperson in the case of temporary absence. In the event of a vacancy, the Vice Chairperson shall assume the office of the Chairperson until such time as a Chairperson is elected.
Article VII—Recording Secretary
The Recording Secretary shall record and keep the minutes of all Regular Meetings and Special Meetings, report and preserve all documents, and keep a record of FDTC Members. The Recording Secretary shall, within ten days after the organizational meeting of the FDTC, file with the Secretary of the Commonwealth, the Secretary of the Democratic State Committee and the Town Clerk a list of the Officers and Elected Members of the FDTC; and shall immediately file with the same officials a statement of any changes thereafter.
Article VIII—Corresponding Secretary
The Corresponding Secretary shall issue all orders, conduct all official correspondence, prepare reports, and collaborate with and assist the Recording Secretary.
Article IX—Treasurer
The Treasurer shall receive all monies collected and give report for the deposit, in the name of the FDTC in such bank or banks as may be designated by the FDTC. The Treasurer shall pay all expenditures subject to the approval of the Chairperson and shall procure and file vouchers for all such payment. No expenditures of funds of the FDTC shall be made by the Treasurer outside the regular activities or expense thereof except by vote at a Regular Meeting or Special Meeting. The Treasurer shall submit a report of the financial condition and transactions of the FDTC at all Regular Meetings or Special Meetings. A detailed report shall be provided at least annually. Additionally, the Treasurer will file reports with the appropriate state and local offices with regard to fundraising.
Article X—Affirmative Action/Outreach Advisor
The Affirmative Action/Outreach Advisor shall be responsible for developing strategies and activities to expand participation in the FDTC of the Party’s Affirmative Action target groups.
Article XI—Executive Committee
The Chairperson shall be Chairperson of the Executive Committee and shall appoint a member of the Executive Committee in attendance to serve as Recording Secretary. The Chairperson, with the advice of the Executive Committee, shall be responsible for the day-to-day activities of the FDTC. The Executive Committee shall have the power to act upon all routine matters pertaining to the FDTC as well as all emergency matters arising between the Regular Meetings. Five (5) Executive Committee Members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
Article XII—Meetings
Regular Meetings shall be held monthly at a time and place to be chosen by the Chairperson. However, a Regular Meeting in a particular month may be omitted at the discretion of the Chairperson so long as Regular Meetings of the FDTC are held at least four times in non-election years and six times in election years, at least once each quarter. The Chairperson, or a member of the Executive Committee designated by the Chairperson, shall notify all FDTC Members of each Regular Meeting or Special Meeting either by U.S. Mail or electronically at least 7 days before the date of the meeting. One Fifth (20%) of the thirty-five (35) Elected Members of the FDTC shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
Article XIII—Calling a Meeting Without Consent of Chairperson
A. In the event of a refusal of the Chairperson of the FDTC to call a Regular Meeting or Special Meeting of the FDTC, a majority of the Executive Committee may, in writing, order the Corresponding Secretary of the FDTC to call said meeting.
B. The majority of Elected Members of the FDTC can request a Regular Meeting or Special Meeting by a petition in writing to the Corresponding Secretary and the Corresponding Secretary shall call such meeting within two weeks.
Article XIV—Changes in the By-Laws
A. These By-Laws may be amended or repealed at a Regular Meeting or Special Meeting called by the Chairperson or called by FDTC Members per Article XIII, provided:
1. The proposed By-Laws changes are in writing and have been sent to all Members either by U.S. Mail or electronically at least 30 days in advance of the meeting.
2. The proposed By-Laws changes are approved by a two-thirds vote of Elected Members, Lifetime Members, State Committee Members, and Elected Officials in attendance, a quorum being present.
3. Before the vote, such Elected members, Lifetime Members, State Committee Members, and Elected Officials in attendance at the Regular Meeting or Special Meeting are permitted to move to amend the proposed By-Laws changes.
4. All such amendments, if approved, shall be incorporated into the proposed By-Laws changes.
B. Unless and until amended or repealed by a vote of Elected Members, Lifetime Members, State Committee Members, and Elected Officials, these By-Laws shall continue in effect from year to year and no formal motion shall be necessary at any meeting of the FDTC in order that they continue in force.
Article XV—Order of Business
The rule of order at any Regular Meeting or Special Meeting shall be in accordance with “Robert’s Rules of Order.”
Article XVI—General Policies
A. The FDTC may, if it is so desires by vote at a Regular Meeting or Special Meeting, affiliate itself with any duly recognized organization to further the purposes of the FDTC.
B. There shall be no endorsement by the FDTC of a candidate in a contested Democratic Primary.
C. No member shall claim official representation of the FDTC without the express permission of the FDTC.