The UnConvention Uniting Progressives and Activists for Change - Falmouth Democratic Town Committee The UnConvention Uniting Progressives and Activists for Change - Falmouth Democratic Town Committee

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The UnConvention Uniting Progressives and Activists for Change

June 2 @ 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

We invite you to The UnConvention: Uniting Progressive Activists for Change on June 2, 2024 from 2pm-4pm on Zoom. We are concerned about the loss of 15,000 members in the Democratic Party and want to re-engage those and other people at this critical time in our history. Our goal is to organize around progressive issues that are in the platform but not supported by the Party or the convention.

Please fill out our Registration form and also the survey so we know your thoughts. Registration Form and Survey (Or use the QR code below.) 

While we are not charging a registration fee, we do have costs and appreciate your donation.

The UnConvention is being organized by The Massachusetts Progressive Action Organizing Committee (MPAOC). MPAOC is a coalition of MA State-wide Political and Community organizations and was formed to increase progressive political power. These organizations include MASS Peace Action, North American Indian Center of Massachusetts, Our Revolution-MA, Progressive Mass, and Progressive Dems of America-MA.



June 2
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm